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Uber Pro; what does it mean?


Repeatedly, Uber has reiterated in the past that their mission was that of creating opportunity and putting the world in motion. However, this statement had not in any way translated into an opportunity for the drivers in the past. Uber have been in the business of moving the world but at the drivers cost. Seemingly now, Uber is committed to their statement and is commencing a reward package which it tagged Uber Pro. So, what exactly is Uber Pro?

Uber Pro is a reward initiative that acknowledges the dedication and effort of drivers to enable them to meet their life goals as commuters ply the road - on and off. Uber’s Pro reward package conveys tangible value for all drivers. In its communique concerning the project, Uber mentioned, “Drivers have also told us they take tremendous pride in the work they do and the service they provide, because they know that in many ways their riders and families are depending on them. But we’ve also heard that they would like to be recognized for their commitment to quality service and to Uber by helping them build toward the future”

Otherwise known as drivers’ loyalty program, Uber Pro gratifies low cancellation and high ratings. Components of the reward include increase take home pay and free college tuition. Having tested the campaign in about ten cities, the company is set again to introduce Uber Pro to yet more new market. About twenty (20) new markets are being considered by Uber. For this round, Uber Eats couriers have also been scheduled for the program.

The program which was initially announced in November 2018 ushered in a breath of fresh air for the drivers. Uber have always been vilified for not treating their driver proper. Uber Pro is therefore a bold statement by Uber indicating their readiness in surging driver’s incentives. At first, the package which was targeted at specific drivers was tried-out in a few cities. Now, Uber desires to inaugurate it in major major cities including San Francisco, New York, Houston, Austin, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Baltimore and Dallas.

Drivers are categorized into four groups: Partner, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Drivers who are classed as Partners expected to maintain a cancellation rate of about 4% and a 4.85 rating. In order to move up to the next level, they must acquire points on every trip within the fixed three months duration. During this period, all points accumulated unlock more rewards in the succeeding category

More opportunities for you and your family

The Platinum and Diamond level drivers are also qualified for an online tutorial at Arizona State University at no cost. Divers are liable to English language programs; over 80 undergraduate courses including entrepreneurship tutorials leading to the award of a degree certificate. A driver who lacks the time for this arrangement is at liberty to nominate or transfer the benefit to a family member. According to Uber, since its commencement, about 25$ of the beneficiaries have nominated the family members for the incentive.

What happens if my Star rating Reduces?

If the status of a driver who is at Gold, Platinum or Diamond reduces and the star is within the range of 4.75 and 4.84, it would be impossible to arrive at a higher status by accumulating more points. You will be limited to your current benefits. Should your rating goes farther than 4.75, then all entitlement and benefits are lost instantly. To accumulate back the lost earnings and statuses, you earnings must be surged back to 4.85 or higher.

Cancellation rate

If a driver who is at Gold, Platinum or Diamond status have a cancellation rate that surges to a range of 4.01% and 10%, then it is impossible to reach a high status by accumulating more points. Your current status and benefits will be assessed and enjoyed. However, in the event that your cancellation rate goes above 10 percent, then, access to all rewards and benefits are lost instantly. Earning back your rewards will entail that; your cancellation rate must go back to about 4% or below.

Acceptance Rate

If a driver who is at Gold, Platinum or Diamond statuses have an acceptance rate within the range 75% and 84%. A higher status through more earnings is not possible but however, your current benefits will be accessed but should it fall below 75%, all rewards are lost instantly. Surge back your acceptance rate to 85% or higher to earn back your status.

Are Points Accumulated from Uber Eat Deliveries

Drivers delivering with Uber Eats will also accumulate points for all delivery trips made. It is essential to note, that delivery partners who only deliver with Uber Eats are not qualified for Uber Pro. For Uber Eats, trip and reward assessment are not open

Areas where the Program is operated

At the moment, the programs are offered as a Pilot campaign with selected drivers in some cities.

As scheduled earlier, every participant in the program are tagged “Program Members”. To take part, participants are expected to live in the United States, qualify through the minimum requirement as an Uber driver Partner, acquire a driver partner account which must be in a good rating, and his home town must be scheduled as one of the participating cities as outlined: Chicago, Seattle, Denver, Washington, New York City, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Tampa, New Orleans, Phoenix, Boston, Orlando, New Jersey, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Austin, Las Vegas, Baltimore, Houston, Orange County, Nashville, Dallas, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Richmond, Salt Lake City, St. Louis, Raleigh-Durham amongst others.

The program is opened to only the Driver Partners that have gotten an invitation from Uber will be enlisted in the program and is liable to take part in the Program. This implies that drivers who have not received an invite to join the program cannot participate and are not qualified to earn rewards. The program account is linked to Driver Partner account. Do not share your account or operate more than one account.



Unknown member
May 03, 2024

Uber has previously stated that "putting the world in motion" and "creating opportunities" are the company's main goals. However, in the past, these statements have not resulted in any opportunities for drivers. Drivers have borne the brunt of Uber's global transportation operation. It seems that Uber Space Fortuna is now taking its statements seriously and has launched a rewards program called.


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